National Access & Scaffolding Confederation
NASC offers unparalleled membership benefits to scaffolding industry businesses of all types and turnovers.
NASC contractor membership is also regarded by countless principal contractors, local authorities, utility providers and other organisations across the UK as a mark of quality, safety and professionalism.
Consequently, clients specify that the scaffolding providers they employ must be a NASC member.
TG30 IS NOW LIVE It’s a game changer for the industry, offering design guidance for scaffolds built using system scaffolding.
We have close connections with major construction organisations such as Build UK, HSE, NFB, SBF, the Temporary Works Forum, Access Industry Forum and many more
NASC produces a broad selection of Contractual, Health & Safety, Technical and Product Purchasing guidance notes. SG4:22 is available for FREE download!
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